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Appartement building

Every Business Energy Savings: New Construction

Building Sector

Commercial Office, Hospital, Hotel, Industrial, Institutional, Multifamily Affordable Housing, Multifamily Market Rate Housing, Residential


Energy Type


Building Envelope


Financial Incentives






Program name

Evergy Business Energy Savings Program - New Construction


Program summary

The program encourages building owners and designers to evaluate and install systems with higher energy efficiency than the standard or planned systems. Incentives are available for ground-up construction, additions or expansions, and complete building repurposing. These incentives are determined based on the calculated estimated annual energy reduction. To earn Evergy New Construction Incentives, please involve Evergy program personnel during the project design phase.


Applicable building size

Any, Evergy Missouri business customer.

Eligible projects include:

  • New building projects wherein no structure or site footprint presently exists

  • Addition to an existing building or site footprint

  • A gut rehab for a change of purpose to an existing building requiring replacement of all electrical systems/equipment

  • “Warm Shell” projects, where the building envelope, central mechanical system, and core lighting systems are included in the design but future build-out work or tenant improvements are permitted separately



New Construction Incentives offer the opportunity to implement energy efficiency improvements with higher efficiencies than the designed systems or minimum code requirements.


  • Incentive/funding details. Each incentive type has varying caps. Interior Lighting Incentives will be capped at 50% of the total costs associated with implemented measures. Standard Incentives for New Construction projects will be capped at 100% of the total cost. Custom Incentives for New Construction projects will be capped at 100% of the incremental cost. And, the Whole Building Performance Incentive cap is $50,000 per site, per program year.

  • Contract structure. Contact Evergy for contract details.

  • Amount (max, min, average). Varying by incentive type. The Whole Building Performance Incentive cap is $50,000 per site, per program year.

  • Simple payback. Evergy will pay out the incentive in the form of a check or bill credit after the application, approval, installation, completion documentation, and post-inspection are complete.

  • When in the project process an application should be started/completed. Process below

  1. Complete Online Pre-Application.

  2. Establish baseline. Evergy will coordinate with the customer to establish project elibility and identify potential opportunities.

  3. Custom incentive pre-approval. If custom incentives are pursued, after an application has been sent, Evergy will respond with an incentive offer. Incentive offer must be signed and submitted to Evergy prior to purchase and installation.

  4. Purchase and install energy-efficient measures.

  5. Submit completion documentation. Application must be updated with accurate installation information.

  6. Post-inspection. Final technical review and on-site inspection.

  7. Receive incentive.

  • Level of effort required. Application process and relevant documents must be submitted.

  • Length of time to receive funding. After on-site inspection is completed. Contact Evergy for details.

  • Contractor requirements. The customer must hire a licensed contractor.

Additional information
  • Advantages. A technical analysis study can save years of operating costs by identifying energy-efficiency strategies early in the design phase.

  • Disadvantages. Incentive caps. May only be available to Missouri customers at present.

  • Ownership types or organizations are best suited for the program. Non-profit and special use; industrial; institutional; commercial office/retail; residential.

  • Program fit for customer. You want to ensure compliance in future building performance requirements. You want to reduce utility bills, lower capital costs, extend capital budgets, increase property value, make your building or project more sustainable.

Take action

Visit Evergy energy efficiency incentives website.

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