Upcoming Rising Trades Event!
As new incentives and regulations drive higher performing buildings, Kansas City construction firms are stepping up. Our Rising Trades...

Our Shortlist
With so many new programs coming out from the federal government, it can be difficult to understand what might benefit your capital...
Building a Better Future: How High-Performance Building Hubs Catalyze Action
Building Energy Exchange KC is part of a growing network of independent energy efficiency hubs across the country. We recently...

Rising Trades Contractor Accelerator kicks off its next cohort!
Congratulations to the following firms participating in the Rising Trades Contractor Accelerator Program! 1st Priority Heating and...

Apply for the Rising Trades Program!
We've kicked off our first cohort of participating construction firms and are now recruiting for cohort 2! Please share with diverse...

Kansas City, Missouri, passes the 2021 IECC with Strengthening Amendments
The City Council of Kansas City, Missouri approved a vote 9-4 to update their building code to align with 2021 International Energy...