Evergy Business Energy Savings -
Standard Incentive
Building Sector
Energy Type
Financial Incentives
Program name
Evergy Business Energy Savings Program - Standard incentives
Program summary
This program offers a wide range of incentives designed to help Missouri business customers achieve energy savings by reducing the upfront cost of installations. Standard Incentives provide savings for energy-efficient equipment upgrades by offering rebates.
Applicable building size
An open opportunity to cover the cost of upgrading to energy-efficient equipment with fast rebate payment.
Incentive/funding details. Receive up to $10,000 from Evergy for standard energy-efficient equipment upgrades. Rebates totaling above $10,000 must be pre-approved by Evergy.
Contract structure. Check with Evergy for details.
Amount (max, min, average). Maximum incentive of $1,000,000 per customer (based on tax ID), per year, per jurisdiction, capped at $250,000 per project. See the terms for more details.
Pairing with other sources. Can be paired with Evergy's Custom and New Construction incentive programs.
When in the project process an application should be started/completed. If anticipated incentive amount totals $10,000 or less, apply for reimbursement after equipment purcahse and installation. If anticipated incentive amount will be greater than $10,000, apply before equipment purchase and installation to seek approval.
Level of effort required. The recipient will submit a Reimbursement Request/ application with relevant building information, contractor information, installation details and projected energy and cost savings to the Evergy for review and reimbursement.
Length of time to receive funding. Quick payment after installation is complete.
Contractor requirements. The customer must hire a licensed contractor for installation.
Additional information
Advantages. No pre-approval required for rebates totaling less than $10,000. Simple application process.
Disadvantages. Pre-approval required for projects utilizing greater than $10,000 of incentives or custom. May only be available to Missouri customers at present.
Ownership types or organizations are best suited for the program. Non-profit and special use; industrial; institutional; multifamily; commercial office/retail.
Program fit for customer. Businesses wanting to upgrade equipment and save on up-front capital costs. Businesses looking for ways to reduce their utility bill.