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Apply for the Rising Trades Program!

We've kicked off our first cohort of participating construction firms and are now recruiting for cohort 2!

Please share with diverse business owners looking to grow their business and expand their skills to meet the growing demand for high-performance buildings. With 2021 IECC effective July 1, 2023, there is no better time for contractors to prepare their business and upskill their workforce!

The Rising Trades Contractor Accelerator is a curated business program in which each contractor is paired with a local professional service provider for up to 40 hours of paid one-on-one back-office support in the form of estimation, bookkeeping, accounting, and other professional services.

Through this customized and interactive process, contractors are better equipped to sharpen strategy and create a solid foundation to grow their business. The Rising Trades Contractor Accelerator is managed by and through a partnership of the following organizations: Climate Action KC; Elevate, Inc.; Business Services Collective NFP; and SEED Collective, LLC. Each organization brings skills in workforce development, legal, architectural design and finance to provide our contractors will a well-rounded perspective during coaching sessions and access to our collective network.


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